
Photo by Corinna Rostan

Raelke is an applied sociolinguist and creative writing researcher working as a Senior Lecturer in English Language and Linguistics at Charles Darwin University, where she teaches creative writing and applied linguistics. Her interdisciplinary research explores the intersections between applied linguistics and creative practice and process, with a focus on systemic functional linguistics (SFL), genre analysis, multilingual literatures and the role of literature texts and extensive reading in autonomous language learning.

Her creative-led research explores the interplay between digital and analogue tools for creating art.

Raelke is President of the Australasian Universities Language and Literature Association (AULLA) and co-Chair of the Editorial Board of the association’s journal, the Journal of Language, Literature and Culture.

Charles darwin university research profile
Google scholar profile

Doctor of Philosophy (Creative Writing), Flinders University

Master of Arts (Applied Linguistics), The University of Adelaide

Bachelor of Creative Arts (Creative Writing), Flinders University

Diploma of Modern Languages (German), The University of New England